Sunday, January 31, 2010
News and Media
What is news? What is media?
News is what is new; it’s what’s happening. News is described as a report of recent events or previously unknown information. But most of the things that happen in the world every day don’t find their way into the newspaper or onto the air in a newscast. What makes news newsworthy depends on a variety of factors such as relevance, impact, prominence, useful, conflict, timeliness, interesting, novelty, engagement, solutions, and protinuity. In general, media refers to various means of communication. For example, television, radio, and the newspaper are different types of media. Media can also be referred to objects on which data can be stored.
What is news? What is Media?
Blog Writing Guidelines
Double space between paragraphs, so it is easier to read what is written.
Lead with a strong introduction and stick to you main idea or thesis.
Make the title clever and relative to your thesis.
Write the blog in 200 words or less.
Proof read and check for spelling and grammar errors.
End strong.
News and Media
The news is essentially unknown information’s that it’s communicated to the world but different sources and forms of media. News can be anything from who’s dating who in Hollywood to an earthquake in a different part of the world. One of the most popular forms of getting news theses days with high school and college students seems to be Facebook and Twitter. If you think about it where is the first place you hear about new, normally it’s from your friend’s statuses and tweets. This information may not be accurate but that when you go and good the situation to check the validity of it. Media can be anything from TV to radio to the Internet. The most popular one for our age bracket seems to be Internet. The problem with that is that on the Internet anyone can make up “news” and portray it as something that really happened. Sites like Twitter only help in the spreading of false new.
Friday, January 29, 2010
News as we know it
News and the Media
A medium is the means by which information is transported from the source to the consumer. This transfer can occurs on many mediums ranging form print, barely, to word of mouth, to television and the Internet. Anything that transfers information, correct or otherwise, from a source to a consumer is a medium.
Although news is a form of media, it tends to be the square of the group. Much like the golden rule that all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are square; not all media is news. In a textbook definition, news is information. More specifically, information that’s is timely and currant to its consumers that has a sense of prominence or impact on their lives. Successful news consists of (correct) information that is unusual or controversial; something that will sell it self as a story with being dressed up.
Finally the media is the entity that dictates which information is broadcasted, and when. However this is where the squares and rectangles come into play. Although news is a prevalent form of the media there is also information that is created strictly for entertainment purposes. Although they relate on the need to be able to be sold to a consumer, this information is almost always fabricated and is not news in anyway.
News and the Media...What Are They Exactly?
“News” and “media” are words that can have several different meanings. I believe that the news is any information that is important for many people to hear, and that the media is responsible for providing the news. For an example, if a horrible murder happens, then the media will be at the scene to cover the story. Some people may not realize this, but the media is an important part of our lives. Even though some of the news that the media provides seems stupid, such as Britney Spears shaving her head, there is other news that helps us. Suppose there was going to be a big hurricane. The media would be responsible for telling people about the upcoming hurricane. This would then help people to start preparing themselves for the hurricane. The news and media can also influence all of us in a good way. When anything serious like a natural disaster happens, the media will provide news of the disaster. After everyone receives this news and realizes how bad the situation is, most of them will probably be inspired to take action and help. The news and media are definitely an important part of our lives.
Everything is News and Media
Everything is News!
The News and Media
News and Media in today's world
News: Reaching Everyone
News stories are utilized to provide the common man with knowledge and comprehension of problems within his local community, as well as information pertaining to other cultures. News is noteworthy information necessary to bring people down to earth to involve everyone in a universal effort to bettering the attitudes of all people, whether locally or nationally. News often educates people of local and widespread calls to action.
Many headlines and news articles are created to appeal to certain and specific people. Although some media stations tend to only attract certain viewers, all media is accredited with informing people of growing icons and specific pop culture events. Both local news channels and entertainment news channels provide ordinary people with valuable information regarding crisis situations, local heroes, national drawbacks, and/or widespread obstacles. The media is not only required to inform people of these happenings, but also to relay the information in a quick and timely manner. News can never be irrelevant, and it can never be tardy. It is the media's job to report accurate figures about interesting events to the people every day, without fail.
The News and Media: Universal and Unique
News is a universal concept that even though it is different to everyone it still remains strong and active in societies. An important factor about news is what is of timely importance to a college freshman can be very different than the seasoned businessman on Wall Street. Nonetheless it is all still news. The idea that something happened outside the tedium’s of day-to-day activity makes it news. No matter what the news source,, or, E news or Fox News the same fact still remains, that something that is happening that hadn’t happened before, is then offered to the public. When the audience changes, the content changes, but it is still news because wars and politics are not the only thing classified as news. The Media on the other hand is the way in which the audience gets the information (whatever information that may be). It’s the Mediums used to convey the story: a website, a new station, or newspaper. The Media is more what we tend to fall in love with these days, which is why we have favorite political talk show hosts, or late night hosts, or local TV stations. Different personalities of The Media exist in our society and goes hand in hand with getting the news to the audience.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The News and Media
The media can be both negative and positive at the same time. It can provide entertainment and knowledge, but the media may not always be 100% accurate. Newspapers, radio and television stations can tell the consumers anything they want and we perceive it as news. Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If one morning I walked on top of the water accross the Potomac River, the headline that afternoon would read: President Can't Swim." The media has the power to report, our responsibility as consumers is deciding whether it is accurate or not.
The World Needs News and Media
News is talked about and shared all over the world, but what exactly is news? News is current information, relevant to the public, that they are not educated on yet. News can be information about a country on the other side of the world or information about your next-door neighbor. Conflict is often in the news because it intrigues people; they want to see what is happening and if it affects them. However, news is not only about conflict. Sports can be news, celebrities can be news, everyday people can be news. News is anything the public is interested in. Media is how news is shared all over the world. Sources such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and internet are all considered media. Media is available in many forms so it can be reach as many people around the world as it possibly can. Because media is available in so many different ways it can communicate the news with people in higher classes and people in lower classes; everyone will get the same news. Media is important because it lets people all over the world communicate with each other. Without media, news would not be as popular around the world.
The Wide World of News and Media
Media is the people that take news and bring it to the masses. Members of the media include reporters, writers, analysts, an just about everyone who lets large groups know what is happening on the great big ball we call earth. Sometimes members of the media use dirty tactics to get the information they so desire, the juicy stuff that will attain the most followers to their outlet. But what media contributes most to society is that it allows people over vast distances to obtain the information needed to keep up to date with what is happening where they are not.
News Versus Media
What is News? News is any kind of information shared from one source to another. News does not have to be anything important or relevant as long as it is shared from one source to another and is new information to at least one of these sources. What is media? Media is the vessel that distributes news to the general public. Media can take several forms; it can be magazines, newspapers, television, and radio just to name a few. The media decides what is considered news worthy in our society. Everything that we hear on a daily basis is what the media deems relevant. Though the media can pick and choose what we see and hear it is necessary for the distribution of news; because without media society would be unable to receive as much information as it does.
News and Media to Me
How are News and Media Defined?
The news is made up of timely, interesting, and informative stories that are passed on to individuals. These stories often contain events, people, and places that are relevant or of importance to the reader. In order to have news, you need to have a story that the public will find interesting or important so that they will read it; and it must also be a current story so that the reader hasn’t already heard it. The media are the channels that control how news is delivered to the public, and how the stories are reported. Examples of media include the internet (with news websites like, newspapers (such as the New York Times), and television shows (such as Bill ‘O Reilly) and they all have influence over how the news is reported. The media has tremendous say over how news is reported because through bias, they can manipulate the details of a story so the viewer receives a slanted opinion. It is the job of the media to provide fair, accurate, and up to date coverage of the news so that the general public is always informed of what is going on in the world.
-Jon Decker
News is for Everyone
I think news is one of the most important parts of our lives. Between news stations on television, radio news stations, newspapers, magazines, and news websites, we are constantly surrounded by news. According to the textbook, Telling the Story, by the Missouri Group, news is relevance, usefulness, and interest. Also according to Telling the Story, the important elements in a news story are impact, conflict, novelty, prominence, proximity, timeliness, engagement, and solutions. Citizen Journalism is a form of news written online by people who do not work for commercial companies. Examples of Citizen Journalism are blogs, audience-participation websites, Wiki websites, and collaborative and contributory news sites, according to Telling the Story. More recently, news is considered convergence, the coordination of each different media including tradition journalism, broadcast journalism, and the internet. Media are the different forms of communication including books, newspapers, television, magazines, radio, and internet. When I hear “the Media”, I think negativity and over exposure. In reality, journalists, advertisers, photographers, and videographers are just trying to do their job. A job that most of us in this class hope to do one day. Without a constant stream of news, people would be disconnected from their local communities, their country, and the world.
News and the Media: A winning combination
News is any type of information, that has occurred or happened over the course of a day, a week or a year. It is ever flowing and is always changing around us. It can be about something as interesting and dramatic as a terrorist attack or it can be about something that is less intense such as what sports team won the night before. News can bring people together and news can push people apart. Because news is happening all around us and it is constantly changing it needs to find a way to become distributed quickly. This job is given to the media. The media consists of multiple industries that are designed to gather up information and share it with the world. Whether it is through the form of magazines, television, radio, or the internet, different parts of the news are examined and shared with the public. It is the job of the media to ask the tough questions and find answers to inform the public. Different types of media share specific news stories which are aimed at being pertinent to peoples lives. For example a magazine such as “People” might discuss news such as a celebrity break up and a newspaper such as “The Boston Globe” might discuss a story such as the effects of a republican taking former Ted Kennedy’s seat in the Senate. Different media industries are geared toward different people but they all share one main idea in common, gathering the news, composing it and sharing it with the public.
The Importance of the Media
The media acts as the middle man between the government and the people. Reporters and journalists ask the questions that ordinary people may not have the opportunity to ask because they are too busy or don’t have the connections to reach their state’s representatives or favorite celebrities. The media informs the public of the news they have the right to hear. Without the news and the media reporting it, the world would be full of ignorance and lost of its global communication. Therefore, it is important that people pay attention to what the news and media has to offer…what would ever get done without them?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A World Without News or Media
What is news? News is the sharing of unknown information, whether it is sharing information regarding current events or sharing information that is old to you with another person whom receives the information as new and unknown. What is media? Media is the means of communications through television, radio, newspapers, magazines, etc. to grab peoples’ attention and share unknown information (news) with them. The media brings the news to the people who are seeking the knowledge in which the news contains. Without news or media information would not be as easily spread as it is today. If there were no news, the media would have nothing to share with the people of the world, and without the media the news would never be current – by the time the news was received, another news worthy event is bound to happen. Think about the presidential election in 2008 or the healthcare situation going on now, without the media all of the information going on in these events would not be as accessible and American’s would not be able to learn new information from the news. The news and media keep us up to date in almost every aspect of our lives – politics, sports, Hollywood, weather, traffic, your local community or state, etc. They give us information that allows us to make decisions, hold conversations, and understand; if their existence ceased to exist we would not have that background knowledge to guide us through life.