Thursday, January 28, 2010

News is for Everyone

I think news is one of the most important parts of our lives. Between news stations on television, radio news stations, newspapers, magazines, and news websites, we are constantly surrounded by news. According to the textbook, Telling the Story, by the Missouri Group, news is relevance, usefulness, and interest. Also according to Telling the Story, the important elements in a news story are impact, conflict, novelty, prominence, proximity, timeliness, engagement, and solutions. Citizen Journalism is a form of news written online by people who do not work for commercial companies. Examples of Citizen Journalism are blogs, audience-participation websites, Wiki websites, and collaborative and contributory news sites, according to Telling the Story. More recently, news is considered convergence, the coordination of each different media including tradition journalism, broadcast journalism, and the internet. Media are the different forms of communication including books, newspapers, television, magazines, radio, and internet. When I hear “the Media”, I think negativity and over exposure. In reality, journalists, advertisers, photographers, and videographers are just trying to do their job. A job that most of us in this class hope to do one day. Without a constant stream of news, people would be disconnected from their local communities, their country, and the world.

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