Friday, January 29, 2010

Everything is News and Media

"News" is everything that is happening around us, right here and right now. Such current events are what we read about in newspapers, hear about on television at 5:00, 6:00, and 11:00 PM each evening, and even read on our Facebook pages (the "News Feed" feature). While some events may appear much more significant than others (the earthquake in Haiti, for instance, is much higher on the priority scale than someone changing their "relationship status"), each and every thing that occurs in this world is news to somebody. And what would become of all this news if the media was not there to report it? The media is clearly the driving force behind all these news stories, as it is their job to spread the word and ensure the people hear what they deserve to know. Each department of the media may word their stories differently, but every single one contains the same point: THIS is what happened. The news is what's going on in our town, state, country, and world, and the media is the means by which all of that information is communicated.

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