Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A World Without News or Media

What is news? News is the sharing of unknown information, whether it is sharing information regarding current events or sharing information that is old to you with another person whom receives the information as new and unknown. What is media? Media is the means of communications through television, radio, newspapers, magazines, etc. to grab peoples’ attention and share unknown information (news) with them. The media brings the news to the people who are seeking the knowledge in which the news contains. Without news or media information would not be as easily spread as it is today. If there were no news, the media would have nothing to share with the people of the world, and without the media the news would never be current – by the time the news was received, another news worthy event is bound to happen. Think about the presidential election in 2008 or the healthcare situation going on now, without the media all of the information going on in these events would not be as accessible and American’s would not be able to learn new information from the news. The news and media keep us up to date in almost every aspect of our lives – politics, sports, Hollywood, weather, traffic, your local community or state, etc. They give us information that allows us to make decisions, hold conversations, and understand; if their existence ceased to exist we would not have that background knowledge to guide us through life.

1 comment:

  1. You made a point I never thought of, "They [the media] give us information that allows us to make decision." I never thought about it like that
