Thursday, March 11, 2010

What Good Speech Stories and Meeting Stories Need

Meeting stories and speech stories are interesting, because a reader can see what was exactly said during the speech or meeting. Not everyone can go to speeches or meetings. That is why it is always good to look at what someone wrote when attending the speech or meeting. A good speech story or meeting story should have a lot of imagery in it. It would be good if the reporter wrote about how everyone reacted during the event, and included direct quotes of the important things that were said. If possible, the reporter should also ask questions during the event. Reporters should also interview people who are at the event.
It might be hard to prepare for stories like these, but a writer can do several things to make the reporting easier. One thing that a writer could do is try to find out what the speech or meeting will be about before attending the event. Another thing they can do is look up background information about the speaker, or anyone that will be involved in the meeting. After getting permission, maybe the writer could also bring a tape recorder to record the speech in case they miss any important information.

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