Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What makes a good feature story?

A feature isn't like writing a story using the inverted pyramid. Instead, a feature is a long, more extended story about a certain subject or issue. A good feature story is just like a news story, containing elements of news, and giving more about what the news means. Features will also have more photos and graphics attached to it to give it a reader-friendly approach.

The most important part of a feature is the element of surprise. Features don’t have to be read by anybody, so the language and the idea should engage the reader’s emotions or interests quickly and reward them for reading.

A good feature will also have a good first paragraph that will draw the reader in. After the first paragraph the feature will continue with transitions to the proceeding paragraphs. Its important for the transitions to flow properly in the feature so the story will make sense to the reader. You can use dialogue and quotes to help achieve this.

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