Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Why do feature stories matter?

Feature stories are one of the most critical elements to a journalist's repertoire's. They allow the writer to develop their story with more flexibility and opportunity.

A feature story focuses in-depth on a topic and includes more narrative elements than news stories typically do. A good feature story may include a multi-paragraph introduction instead of a crammed lead sentence found in most news stories.

The story can't be confusing, or the reader will ditch it immediately. It needs to flow through the pages and carry all the emotions that the writer wants to convey about this particular story.

A feature writer has a couple of advantages over news writers, as their deadlines are far looser and they face less reprimand if their story is delayed. Obviously, the news carries more urgency.

Journalists pride themselves on their ability to craft a piece of material which portrays the events covered in a faithful, honest, and informative way that will give the reader more than enough information about the topic. Feature stories are a way for them to illustrate not only the topic and its intricacies, but also their writing skills and ability to captivate.

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