Wednesday, March 31, 2010

what makes a news story different than a feature story?

In features, the immediacy of the event is secondary. It's replaced by reader interest. Bare facts are surrounded by elaboration, interpretation, mood, context, detailed description, emotion, irony and humor. The goal of a feature story is to communicate the truth, not fiction in a different way than a news story.

When writing a news story, immediacy is first. The whole point of a news story is to deliver the news, starting with the most important information first. You have to make sure that you have a strong lead. The is one of the most important elements of news. Your lead is the opening paragraph or two of the story. Its function is to summarize the story and/or to draw the reader in.

Therefore, a news story is different than a feature story because when writing a news story, your first priority is immediacy; to inform the readers what the story is about in the first sentence, using the most important feature. While in a feature, immediacy of the event is secondary, and their main goal when writing is grabbing the readers interest by elaborating, using interpretation, context, etc.

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