Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Public Relations and Writing news

Public Relations is a large and pertinent part of society. It allows companies to communicate between itself and the public. As stated by Telling the Story, Public Relations is defined as “the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences,counseling organization leaders and implementing planned programs of action which will serve both the organizations and public interest.”

Good public relations can keep a company within good standing with the public if specific issues arise, or they can answer specific questions posed by the media that the company does not want to answer.

Public relations differs from writing news because journalists need to be “truly objective when writing a story” but with Public Relations there is always a bias toward the company that they are working for.

Because they are working for a company, there job is to make them look good, or try to make them appear “in the best possible light.” They don’t really “lie or distort” but they may just chose to play down different facts or chose not to bring specific issues to up front “while emphasizing others.”

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