Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What makes a news story different than a feature story?

There is a major difference between a news story and a feature story. A news story can be defined as an article reporting news. A news story covers events in the news, such as major disasters or political actions. It covers facts, without opinions of the writer. There are different types of news stories, like crime, courts, school districts, world news, local news, etc. Feature stories on the other hand, are generally about issues or events that may be affecting people's lives in the community of the newspaper. A feature story is define as an essay written by a journalist or news reporter on varied subjects of human interest. It can profile an individual, an event, or other things. These usually cover articles like movies, music, live arts, health, food, and fashion. These articles often offer opinion, mostly expert opinion, and are less formal. Keys to writing a good feature are to make it persuasive, and appealing. Newspapers contain both types of articles to keep things interesting for the reader, instead of just throwing out all facts/opinions at a reader. Overall, there are clear differences between a news and a feature story, but both are necessary for a newspaper to be successful.

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