Friday, April 16, 2010

What is good Public Relations? How does writing for PR differ than writing news?

According to, Public Relations is defined as the actions of a corporation, store, government, individual, etc., in promoting goodwill between itself and the public, the community, employees, customers, etc.

Successful PR helps the company or organization uphold their image of good intentions and positive thinking.

PR writers are concerned with three things; the message the organization wants to send, the audience to whom the company is directing it towards and the media by which to deliver the message to the audience, according to the book.

Public Relations and writing for news has one major difference: PR writers work for the specific company, and have an obligation to them to present them in the best possible light, while journalists are obligated to present both sides of the story.

PR writers show bias to get their message across in the best manner possible.

According to Telling the Story, effective public-relations writers do not ignore facts, even when they are harmful or detrimental to the cause they are promoting.

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