Thursday, April 22, 2010

Public Relations, the other end of journalism

While journalists tend to try to dig up dirt, Public Relations workers try to feed the journalist with positive information.

People who work in public relations represent their client; a person, thing, or company usually, and if any information is going to get out about their client then they want to guide it.

PR connects firms and the media in many different ways, such ways include; damage control, marketing, and preventive measures.

If a politician wants to get his/her bill more recognized then a PR representatives will send out press releases with information on the bill and when/ where the politician will be speaking.

PR workers try to give all the necessary information on the politician and their bill so journalist won’t be tempted to find out more and possibly dig up trouble for the client.

Writing for PR differs from writing news because you’re giving all the important facts, with no creativity except for maybe a possible lead a journalist could draw from.

PR differs from news writing because it is typically more bias, sometimes PR people may even speak on the behalf of a certain someone to make sure everything is said correctly.

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