Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What are some of the ethical problems face by journalists? How are they resolved?

Journalists are faced with different ethical problems day by day. Some problems are clearer than others, and easier to make a good decision on. Deceit, which occurs when you may lie, misrepresent yourself, use a hidden voice recorder or camera, when you may steal documents, etc., is a major problem. This is an easy problem to resolve, just don't do it. Even though journalists are pressured by deadlines and lack of information, it is not worth risking your career for something like this. Another ethical problem is invasion of privacy. This isn't as clear cut because people believe in "the right to know", and sometimes with public officials you do not necessarily know if you are invading their privacy. TMZ thinks nothing of this, and has been made infamous for invading privacy, and getting in touch with celebrities when they don't want to be seen. Withholding information is also an ethical problem with journalism. Again, this involves many blurry situations, some worse than others. As there are things that should and can be withheld, there are others that people should know, and a journalist should use a good moral compass to decide that. One of the biggest ethical problems seen today is plagiarism. This happens when people are lazy or just cannot get a job done by themselves. There is no excuse for this, because it is stealing work from other people. There are many other problems as well, mostly not as serious. Overall, journalists are pressured into situations where they face ethical problems daily, but if they maintain a straight moral conscious they should be able to resolve all of them.

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