Friday, April 16, 2010

Public Relations

According to Rex Harlow, "the father of public-relations research", "public relations is the art and social science of analyzing rends, predicting their consequences, counseling organization leaders, and implementing planned programs of action which will serve both the organization's and public interest."

If you hope to one day work in public relations, you have a wide range of fields to choose from including media relations, government affairs, public affairs, industry relations, and investor/financial/shareholder relations.

In writing for public relations, personnel are concerned with three things when trying to deliver the message; the message, the audience, and the media.

You need to know the message that your organization wants to send, the audience that you are catering to, and the best medium by which to deliver the message to the audience.

Your choices mediums are television, radio, newsstands, the internet, social-networking, and internal publications (brochures and billboards).

Public Relations writing is a matter of persuasion. You have to have a good attitude, be persuasive, and establish credibility and trust.

The most crucial public relations tool is a News Release. In public relations, be sure to know what is considered news worthy, how to write a good news release, and who to go to with your news.

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