Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Journalist's Job

Journalists are a key part when it comes to gathering the news, and presenting it to the public.

They are an interracial part of society because their main goal is to inform the public about the main information that is going on in a community or around the world.

By using different forms of reporting through different mass media outlets such as magazines, the radio, newspapers and through the television, journalists are trained to take information and present the main points to an audience.

They cover local, national, international, sports stories, weather reports and even “feel good” stories.

Journalists also have the main job of asking tough questions and finding out information that might be withheld from the public eye, by acting as a type of watchdog for society.

There can also be two types of journalists, professional and amateur. Amateur journalists can be used when professionals are not around or can not get inside of a specific place.

An example is with the Haitian earthquake. CNN and other news crews could not get their reporters into that country fast enough so they relied on citizen journalists who used their cameras and video recorders to send information back to the major networks in order to successfully tell the story from within the source.

Finally, journalists are a much needed job in society to tell the stories as they are, objectively and without being biased towards either side. They are an important part of society and will continue to uncover the news as it breaks.

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