Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A World Without Journalists

Without Journalists, there would be no news. Without trained, hired Journalists, there would be chaos.

Even now, many citizens take Journalism into their own hands. Witnesses take pictures/video footage and instantly post news with visual evidence on blogs and collaborative news sites.

Imagine if there were no actual Journalists. Citizen Journalism would be the only form of Journalism. News stations, news sites, and radio stations would be full of amateur Journalists.

If this was our only source of news, we would miss the important ways news is summarized and categorized: relevance, usefulness, and interest. News would also lack the basic news elements: impact, conflict, novelty, prominence, proximity, timeliness, solutions, and engagement.

Journalists provide us with news. They follow the guidelines of news writing to not only inform the public of news, but to make it interesting and show the public how certain events can impact their every day lives.

Journalists go where others won’t. At times, Journalists have to travel to foreign countries, they have to be in the middle of wars, natural disasters, and tragedies to get the news for us.

They endure and they face danger to get the facts and present them to the citizens who need to know the news.

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