Friday, February 5, 2010


A journalist is some who is in the occupation of journalism. Journalism is defined as the occupation of writing, editing, photographing, or broadcasting new or of conducting any news organization as a business.
Journalists are the medium between the news and public. They go out, get the news, make sense of it, and deliver it to the public. The main things they have to focus on when getting a story is the who, what, when, where and how. Sometimes it is easy to find all of them, and other times journalists need to really investigate and dig up the information.
They also choose what is newsworthy, thus creating the news, and delivering the most important, or newsworthy news through broadcasts. It is no coincidence that the news stations all have the same stories. It is because they all have qualified journalists who know and can decide which stories are important, and which stories are not.
Journalists can bring the news to you in multiple sources as noted earlier, and each journalist can put his/her spin onto a story. Journalists on stations like Fox News deliver the same news as some stories that CNN, howevery they put their own spin on it and try to get their listeners to believe their side of the story.
Overall, Journalists are the medium between the news and the public. They are important to our society, and can be powerful influential people.

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