Friday, February 5, 2010


Journalists are often given a bad reputation in society, because of what they do and how it seems they go about it. People look at them negatively since they stir the pot and are willing to gain information at any cost. Despite the fact they are often not looked highly upon; our society would be unable to function as it does without them performing their important service.

Though a large number of people see them as just muckrakers, to live in our American society with our definition of freedom they are a necessary force. They perform their jobs as watch dogs over society. Without them it would be impossible to keep checks on corporations, politicians, and powerful people in general.

Professional journalists keep the public informed on what is happening in our society. They provide valuable information that is backed up with a lot of important facts, since their profession requires this. All in all a journalist is someone who gains facts and information and gives this information back to the public so we are informed.

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