Monday, February 15, 2010

More and more sources, greater temptation to plagiarize

Journalist are tempted to make up stories and plagiarize because of growing competition in the journalist profession.

Today with the internet there is so much information that readers begin to lose sight of where the information is coming from.

It almost does not matter who the writer is and what their credentials are.

The only way to really tell if a story is false or made up is view other news agencies articles.

Most of the plagiarism most likely comes from bloggers not professional news sources.
It is difficult to tell which blogger came up with the story first and who the credit should be given to.

It is likely that someone who publishes a story online will likely have their work taken and used by others, possibly to expand on or to just pass off as their own.

Journalist may make up stories because they feel no one wants to and/ or has the resources to prove it is false.

Then there is the whole issue with writing about a true event but just smudging the facts to make it more appealing, which is probably even harder to prove.

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