Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why are journalists tempted to plagiarize and make up stories?

Journalists are tempted to plagiarize and make up stories on a daily basis due to the pressures of media.
Journalists are always on the clock, and always having to make deadlines. Sometimes it is easy to get all the information you need for a story, through various methods.
Other times it isn't, and you don't get it all in time for the deadline, and the pressure put on by other media outlets that are competitors makes it tempting to cheat.
Some look at it as they can either cheat, or they can lose their job, a lose-lose situation.
Journalists are also tempted to make up stories in this fast pace, cut throat business.
To get the story out first, reporters are tempted to put the facts they have together, and to make an assumption of what the truth is.
This can backfire, and if a story is made up, their career can be on the line.
So in conclusion, it is the pressures of the fast pace, cut throat world of journalism that temps many journalists to plagiarize and make up stories.

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