Thursday, February 4, 2010

So, you want to be a Journalist?

Journalists are the wheels that keep the media wagon going.

They are the writers who go out, find the stories, do the research, get the interviews, and put their findings down on paper (or more likely a computer these days).

Journalists have the job of letting the community to which they are reporting know what's going on with the world that they live in.

Some journalists feel that it is their duty to get all the facts straight and make sure that they are only reporting what is actually happening, true and honest.

However, there are some others out there who believe that there main goal is to make sure that as many people get the info from their outlet as possible, ultimately making the most money for the corporation and themselves.

These journalists sometimes resort to "dirty tactics" in order to get what they so desire, not caring who they hurt and slander, as long as it makes the front page next day.

It can be a bit of a dog-eat-dog world out there in the world of news media, but the hope is that as many reporters as possible do not end up using these methods and they conduct their research fairly and treat their subjects with respect.

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