Friday, February 12, 2010

Thou Shalt Not Plagiarize

One of the most troubling issues that comes into play for writers of all kinds is the act of plagiarism.

Plagiarism is the act of taking someone else’s work and claiming it as your own.
Many people have committed acts of plagiarism without even knowing it, but nevertheless, it is still a crime and there can be serious consequences for it.

For journalists and reporters, plagiarizing someone’s work without giving proper credit cannot only cost the person their job, but can also have serious side affects against a person’s image and credibility.

Some reasons why journalists feel they may need to plagiarize are that they see a news story that is so good, they may feel jealous and want to write a story as well as that one.
They may also want to borrow some ideas from another news writer, but want people to think it was thought up all on their own.

Some easy cures for plagiarism include using other people’s work as a reference, not just taking their writing and re-printing it.

Another way is to properly credit any source that may be used in a story, that way other writers are given the fame they deserve for their work.

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