Sunday, February 21, 2010

Numbers in a News Story

Numbers in a news story are difficult to use because they can sometimes confuse readers. When multiple statistics and numbers are used in a story it can be difficult for the reader to remember and sometimes comprehend the numbers.

Numbers are used to make a point. They are effective when comparing sets of data, or showing how much of something in the news story happened. However, if numbers are just thrown into the news story for as after thoughts and are not carefully placed, then the story becomes sloppy and the reader will not understand what the reporter is trying to say.

Although numbers can be dangerous to use in a story, they can also be used effectively. The numbers can give the reporter more credibility. If a reporter were to say, “Many people were at the beach today,” readers will think that it is hot and there are a lot of people at the beach; however, if the reporter says, “Over 500 people were at the beach today!” readers know that there really was a LOT of people at the beach today. Numbers can assist the story.

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