Saturday, February 6, 2010

What Journalists Are Made Of

Anyone who can think and write can be a journalist. Journalists see, feel, and describe the news to the public.

Who, what, when, where, why, and how are the basic tools that a journalist needs. Along with quotations, journalists can describe the go to facts of the story.

Citizen journalists are everyday people who capture the news and send their stories in to get published. The problem with citizen journalists is that they do not always cite sources or double check their facts from the stories.

Professional journalist are not always viewed positively in society. The public sometimes views professional journalists as muckrakers, but journalists are only trying to uncover the truth and publish a quality story to the public.

Professional journalists have to make sure that they are being professional with their writing style and make sure it does not sound too casual and opinionated. Bloggers and other online sources are publishing more stories and the professional journalists need to separate themselves.

When events are getting hectic, journalists need to stay calm so they can gather the information they need to tell the story and not publish false information. Journalists need to condense the information so it will be published as an easy to read story with all of the correct information.

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