Thursday, February 11, 2010

Why Plagiarize? How Can You Avoid It?

Plagiarism is when someone uses another person’s information and claims it to be his or her own without citing the source. It is a large issue today, especially on college campuses. Every semester students at Roger Williams University get a few quick words from each of their teachers about plagiarism. It’s no wonder why journalists are just as tempted to plagiarize as students.

Since the Internet has come about, information has been easily accessible. The information people are looking for is right in front of you; with a simple click a journalist could copy and paste that knowledge into their story or article.

Journalists are constantly in competition with other journalists to get the best stories; the temptations of plagiarism and making up stories come with this competition. They want to get the best story out the fastest and if stealing someone else’s information is the only way so be it.

In order for journalists to keep their credibility and not plagiarize they need to be sure to cite their sources whenever possible. Give the person credit for the information they gave to you. If the journalist does not want to even have a chance of plagiarism, they should just do their own reporting on their stories and make sure to check their copies.

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